
The Scottsdale Recovery and Detox Center® blog serves as a resources to provide information on all aspects of drug and alcohol detox and addiction, from what signs to look for and how to help family or your loved ones recover, to all available treatment options. Visit our blog often for new information! Our goal is to share our deep expertise and insights to help those who may be suffering from addiction to seek help. For those who have family or loved ones that are addicted, the SD blog provides useful information on how to get help, how to prepare for detox and treatment, and what to expect! Other pertinent blogs can be found here:

what to expect sign

What To Expect Going Into Detox

Substance abuse disorder is a disease that doesn’t have the same effect on every patient. There is a range of symptoms that every person experiences once they have completely surrendered to alcohol and drugs. Ranging from mild to severe, this disease wouldn’t let any two people have the exact same symptoms and effects. This is the primary reason why treatment for substance abuse disorder depends heavily on the number of symptoms a patient has. Some people develop such a strong […]

What Not to Do During Medical Detox

Going in for detox and surrendering yourself to your health care providers to treat your addiction is one of the best things that you can do for yourself and your loved ones. Addiction is an ever progressive condition that will only get worse if you left it untreated. Medical detox is one thing that you can do to save your life.  What is Medical Detox? The term detox is defined as cleansing the body of unhealthy food but what about […]

How to Stay Clean After Detoxing from Drugs

Staying clean after being free from drugs is a big challenge for those who have been addicted to drugs. This is even harder for those who have relapsed over and over again. However, it is not an impossible thing to do and in this article, we will give you the best tips on how you can stay clean even after you have been detoxed from drugs.  Detoxing from Drugs: the First Step  When we say a person is detoxing, it […]

How Does Medical Detox Play a Role in Overcoming Addiction?

One of the first steps to overcoming addiction is to rid the body of any and all drugs that alter its chemical composition. Substances can include heroin, opiate painkillers (Vicodin, Oxycodone, Oxycontin), benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Ativan), alcohol, and anything else addicts use to obtain some form of a high. When someone reaches out to ask for help, a common first question is: what is medical detox and how can it help me overcome my addiction?   What is medical detox? […]

What is Drug Detox 101 ?

Welcome to Detox 101! Once a person becomes addicted to a substance, it can be a hard habit to break. Substance abuse is one of the most difficult things in life to fight against. When someone becomes addicted drugs or alcohol, they start to prioritize it over anything else. Friends, family, work, health, etc. often get set on the back burner while drugs/alcohol are put at the forefront. Anything that interferes with their addictive habits will get pushed aside. Detoxification […]

If you or someone you know needs help with addiction or is ready for detox, contact 1-602-346-9143 or email [email protected] to get the help you need.