The Scottsdale Recovery and Detox Center® blog serves as a resources to provide information on all aspects of drug and alcohol detox and addiction, from what signs to look for and how to help family or your loved ones recover, to all available treatment options. Visit our blog often for new information! Our goal is to share our deep expertise and insights to help those who may be suffering from addiction to seek help. For those who have family or loved ones that are addicted, the SD blog provides useful information on how to get help, how to prepare for detox and treatment, and what to expect! Other pertinent blogs can be found here:

Factors Influencing the Onset of DTs: Understanding Delirium Tremens in Alcohol Withdrawal
Delirium Tremens (DTs) is one of the most severe and life-threatening conditions associated with alcohol withdrawal. Characterized by severe confusion, agitation, hallucinations, and seizures, DTs is a medical emergency that requires immediate intervention. While not everyone who undergoes alcohol withdrawal

How Long Does It Take for DTs to Start? Understanding the Onset of Delirium Tremens
Delirium Tremens (DTs) is one of the most severe and potentially life-threatening forms of alcohol withdrawal. Characterized by symptoms such as severe confusion, hallucinations, agitation, and seizures, DTs can be a critical medical emergency that requires immediate attention. The onset

The Most Serious Form of Withdrawal: Understanding Delirium Tremens and Other Life-Threatening Symptoms
Withdrawal is a challenging and often painful process that individuals go through when they abruptly reduce or stop using substances to which they have developed a dependence. The severity of withdrawal symptoms can vary significantly depending on the substance involved,

The Process of Drug Detoxification: A Comprehensive Guide
Drug detoxification, commonly known as detox, is the first and one of the most critical steps in the journey to overcoming addiction. Detox involves the process of clearing harmful substances from the body while managing withdrawal symptoms that occur when

Everything You Need to Know About Substance Use Detox
Substance use detox is a critical first step in the journey to recovery for individuals struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol. Detoxification, commonly referred to as detox, involves removing harmful substances from the body and managing withdrawal symptoms that

Alcohol Addiction and the 4th of July: Why July is Perfect for Detox and Sobriety
The 4th of July, America’s Independence Day, is a time for celebration, fireworks, and social gatherings. However, for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction, it can also be a period of heightened temptation and risk. The prevalence of alcohol during this

Safeguarding Lives by Addressing Suicide Risk and Addiction through Detox and Holistic Treatment
As a leading rehab, recovery, and detox center, our mission is to provide compassionate care and support to individuals striving to break free from the chains of addiction. The intricate link between suicide risk and addiction is a pressing concern

Drug and Alcohol Detox for Airline Pilots – The Importance of Privacy and Confidentiality
Drug and alcohol detox is a crucial step in addiction treatment for pilots and other professionals. Detoxification is the process of eliminating the addictive substances from the body, and managing withdrawal symptoms that can occur when a person stops using

Why should I go through medical detox for drug and alcohol addiction?
If you’re struggling with addiction, seeking help is an important step towards recovery. One of the first steps in the addiction treatment process is detoxification or medical detox, which involves clearing your body of drugs or alcohol. Medical detox is

What is Naloxone? Benefits, Risks and How to Use Naloxone
Naloxone is a medication used to rapidly reverse opioid overdose, including those caused by fentanyl. When administered promptly, naloxone can restore normal breathing and save lives. Here are some benefits, risks, and guidelines for using naloxone: Benefits: Rapidly reverses opioid

Tips To Quell Anxiety And Stress Amid The Coronavirus Outbreak
The year 2020 was all about the coronavirus pandemic. No matter where you look, it was and is the topic of hot discussion. From the news headlines to alarming statistics, everything has the name coronavirus itched to it. This stems

What Medications Are Used During Drug Detox?
Taking the first step towards getting better, drug detox is the process of removing drugs and other substances from your body to help you physically and psychologically come to terms with de-addiction. It is often considered the prequel to a

What Is a Typical Day in Drug Rehab Like?
Addiction might be one of the most easily contractible diseases right now. While getting pushed into a pattern is sometimes unintentional, getting out of it requires true grit and effort. Rehab, in a similar manner gives you the right environment

What To Expect Going Into Detox
Substance abuse disorder is a disease that doesn’t have the same effect on every patient. There is a range of symptoms that every person experiences once they have completely surrendered to alcohol and drugs. Ranging from mild to severe, this

How to Identify a Top Rated Detox Facility?
Taking the decision to leave your addiction behind can be challenging to begin with. It sometimes takes more than a few reasons to do so. But, once you are at that precipice, your journey towards recovery must be as smooth

Why Can’t I Stop Using Drugs and Alcohol on My Own?
Through continuous research and discussion on the subject, it’s been realized that substance abuse is a mental disease. Every time you use substances, your brain releases dopamine, which makes you happy. With constant use, you need more substance to feel

Heroin Addiction
There are various addictive substances that are deteriorating to one’s health including illegal drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, etc., and prescription drugs such as painkillers and other stimulants. Both the classes of drugs are highly addictive, with illicit drugs

Do Insurance Companies Pay for Medical Detox?
Commonly, yes. In any case, insurance agencies may request that individuals look over a little arrangement of affirmed financials, and they may request that individuals pay a portion of the costs associated with the treatment. Medical detox facilities frequently have

What Not to Do During Medical Detox
Going in for detox and surrendering yourself to your health care providers to treat your addiction is one of the best things that you can do for yourself and your loved ones. Addiction is an ever progressive condition that will

Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms
Opiates are one of the most common illicit drugs abused in the country today. Once the drug addict decides to stop using opiates, they may experience a lot of withdrawal symptoms and if these symptoms are not treated immediately, there

How to Stay Clean After Detoxing from Drugs
Staying clean after being free from drugs is a big challenge for those who have been addicted to drugs. This is even harder for those who have relapsed over and over again. However, it is not an impossible thing to

Infrared Saunas and Addiction Treatment
Have you heard of this new pseudoscience health trend, infrared saunas? That’s right, health professionals (doctors, chiropractors, and PTs) are also on board, saying that these have a wide variety of health benefits and promote healthy living for its users.

How Long Does The Detox Process Take?
The question of how long a person will take to break free of addiction is always a tricky one – not only can it vary wildly case-by-case, but it’s common sense that plenty of people are in and out of

Medicines Used in Detox
What you need while weaning your body off of drugs and alcohol will always depend on both the drug of abuse, as well as the severity of the addiction. Not everyone will need medicines to end their addictions, but it

What to Expect During the Detox Process
Addiction is a chronic brain disease that doesn’t discriminate based on age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, or any defining characteristics. Addiction can sink its claws into anyone, and it requires proper professional treatment in order for those suffering to get

Leader in Affordable Medical Detox and Suboxone Therapy
With more and more young adults becoming addicted to heroin, opioids, and painkillers in Arizona, Scottsdale Integrated Detox is dedicated to providing the best medical detox and Suboxone therapy in the state. Prescription drug abuse is the fastest-growing addiction in

Detox During Pregnancy
Finding out that you are pregnant unexpectedly can be scary and exciting at the same time. It’s especially harrowing if you are struggling with a substance abuse disorder and need to find a place for pregnancy detox for the health

Is Detoxing at Home Really Safe?
It may sound cliché, but it is true that admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. However, there is a right and wrong way to do things, and choosing the wrong way can lead to relapse

How Medical Detox Works
Medical detox is a necessary step before a patient can successfully progress through the rest of the phases that recovery requires, but many don’t understand how medical detox works. Our medical staff focuses on rapid, yet comfortable substance abuse recovery,

How Does Medical Detox Play a Role in Overcoming Addiction?
One of the first steps to overcoming addiction is to rid the body of any and all drugs that alter its chemical composition. Substances can include heroin, opiate painkillers (Vicodin, Oxycodone, Oxycontin), benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Ativan), alcohol, and anything else

Healthy Diet During Detox
One of the most difficult things for a person in recovery to deal with is detoxing. During the detox process, a person will experience severe withdrawal symptoms which may cause them to fall back into addiction through relapse. For people
Fighting the Fear of Detox
Addiction is an extremely hard thing to deal with. People don’t just want to fall in addiction, it’s something that happens over time. What we often see is people experiment, continue to use, and then get addicted. By the time

What is Drug Detox 101 ?
Welcome to Detox 101! Once a person becomes addicted to a substance, it can be a hard habit to break. Substance abuse is one of the most difficult things in life to fight against. When someone becomes addicted drugs or
If you or someone you know needs help with addiction or is ready for detox, contact 1-602-346-9143 or email to get the help you need.