How to Stay Clean After Detoxing from Drugs

Staying clean after being free from drugs is a big challenge for those who have been addicted to drugs. This is even harder for those who have relapsed over and over again. However, it is not an impossible thing to do and in this article, we will give you the best tips on how you […]

Infrared Saunas and Addiction Treatment

Have you heard of this new pseudoscience health trend, infrared saunas? That’s right, health professionals (doctors, chiropractors, and PTs) are also on board, saying that these have a wide variety of health benefits and promote healthy living for its users. These saunas have gone to show benefits such as healing skin conditions, easing pain, increasing […]

How Long Does The Detox Process Take?

The question of how long a person will take to break free of addiction is always a tricky one – not only can it vary wildly case-by-case, but it’s common sense that plenty of people are in and out of rehab during long-term addictions. Detox is step three on the road to recovery: the first, […]

Medicines Used in Detox

What you need while weaning your body off of drugs and alcohol will always depend on both the drug of abuse, as well as the severity of the addiction. Not everyone will need medicines to end their addictions, but it is important to know what drugs have which effects if you’re a person who’s ready […]

What to Expect During the Detox Process

Addiction is a chronic brain disease that doesn’t discriminate based on age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, or any defining characteristics. Addiction can sink its claws into anyone, and it requires proper professional treatment in order for those suffering to get clean and stay clean. Before you truly begin the long road to full recovery however, […]

Leader in Affordable Medical Detox and Suboxone Therapy

With more and more young adults becoming addicted to heroin, opioids, and painkillers in Arizona, Scottsdale Integrated Detox is dedicated to providing the best medical detox and Suboxone therapy in the state. Prescription drug abuse is the fastest-growing addiction in the United States, and it affects young adults ages 18-25 the most. The rate of […]

Detox During Pregnancy

Finding out that you are pregnant unexpectedly can be scary and exciting at the same time. It’s especially harrowing if you are struggling with a substance abuse disorder and need to find a place for pregnancy detox for the health of the baby.  You want to do anything that you can to keep your little […]

Is Detoxing at Home Really Safe?

It may sound cliché, but it is true that admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. However, there is a right and wrong way to do things, and choosing the wrong way can lead to relapse or failure to get clean in the first place. There are many addicts who assume […]

How Medical Detox Works

Medical detox is a necessary step before a patient can successfully progress through the rest of the phases that recovery requires, but many don’t understand how medical detox works. Our medical staff focuses on rapid, yet comfortable substance abuse recovery, minimizing drug prescriptions and dosages, and focusing more on mental health and one-on-one counseling sessions […]

How Does Medical Detox Play a Role in Overcoming Addiction?

One of the first steps to overcoming addiction is to rid the body of any and all drugs that alter its chemical composition. Substances can include heroin, opiate painkillers (Vicodin, Oxycodone, Oxycontin), benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Ativan), alcohol, and anything else addicts use to obtain some form of a high. When someone reaches out to ask […]