How Long Does The Detox Process Take?

The question of how long a person will take to break free of addiction is always a tricky one – not only can it vary wildly case-by-case, but it’s common sense that plenty of people are in and out of rehab during long-term addictions. Detox is step three on the road to recovery: the first, […]

Medicines Used in Detox

What you need while weaning your body off of drugs and alcohol will always depend on both the drug of abuse, as well as the severity of the addiction. Not everyone will need medicines to end their addictions, but it is important to know what drugs have which effects if you’re a person who’s ready […]

What to Expect During the Detox Process

Addiction is a chronic brain disease that doesn’t discriminate based on age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, or any defining characteristics. Addiction can sink its claws into anyone, and it requires proper professional treatment in order for those suffering to get clean and stay clean. Before you truly begin the long road to full recovery however, […]

What is Drug Detox 101 ?

Welcome to Detox 101! Once a person becomes addicted to a substance, it can be a hard habit to break. Substance abuse is one of the most difficult things in life to fight against. When someone becomes addicted drugs or alcohol, they start to prioritize it over anything else. Friends, family, work, health, etc. often […]